Everyone knows that you need to save money to have a happy life. But saving money isn’t always as simple as that. Especially when you’re dealing with insurance, investing wisely can be complicated. So many variables impact how much you spend on your insurance each month, and how much you save. Here are a few easy tips for getting the most out of your savings:
Don’t stick with one insurer
Your insurance provider may charge more than another because they’re the only one who offers you the coverage you want and the coverage that’s available on the cheapest rate. This is particularly likely to happen if you’re switching insurance providers often or if you have an accident. You should get at least three quotes before making your choice. You can save a ton of money by choosing the coverage you want and then negotiating for the best rate in each quote. This is particularly important if you’re switching insurers frequently because you may end up paying more than you need to cover your needs.
Get multiple quotes
Make sure you shop around to get multiple quotes from different insurance providers. You may get better deals on different providers’ websites. Try entering your zip code into the search bar to see if there are more options near you. This may help you avoid a few overpriced providers. Be aware that insurance companies regularly update rates and coverage, so make sure you get a free copy of your current policy to make sure you’re aware of any changes. Make sure you understand the different tiers of coverage and the different rates you’ll have to pay before selecting a provider.
Use offers to negotiate lower prices
Many insurers offer special pricing and coverage deals regarding certain services, such as car repairs or home insurance. Make sure you check if your current insurer offers any such rewards or discounts. If not, you may be paying too much for the coverage you have. If you have an accident and Registration for Collision Damage Coverage is required, look for the lowest possible price on that coverage and take it. If repairs are covered, make sure there is a minimum coverage requirement you have to meet in order to exercise your guarantee.
Choose the highest deductible you can afford
Making sure you have a high deductible will ensure you don’t end up paying too much for your insurance. You can set a high deductible on your insurance policy if you want to save up for a big repair bill or want to reduce your overall monthly cost. Keep in mind that if you pay the deductible, the insurance company will only pay you the amount you set aside. This can be a huge savings if you have coverage that is relatively inexpensive.
Drop coverage you don’t need
You may end up saving a lot by dropping some of your coverage. This may be a good move if you have low coverage, but you end up paying more for the coverage you do have. It’s actually pretty simple to drop some of your insurance coverage without anyone’s knowledge or approval. For example, if you have home insurance and it only covers you if the house burns down, you can simply change your policy to deduct the coverage from your insurance premium. Of course, this assumes your insurance provider doesn’t increase your premium because of the change.
Improve your credit score
You should always make sure you are maintaining top credit score with each of the major credit bureaus. This will help you get better interest rates on loans, as well as lower rates on insurance when you’re approved. Make sure you are not going to be paying any penalty for late payments, as well.
Ask about new discounts
Your insurance company may offer special discounts for certain events or holidays. Make sure you check if there are any special discounts for your specific time of year. Your insurance company may also have special offers and price reductions for new customers. Make sure you ask about these before you sign up for any coverage. You may also want to check if there are any new discounts or promotions on Sale or Clearance items at your local retailer.