If you don’t have car insurance, you’re responsible for damages caused by your vehicle. Having car insurance is therefore a necessity. The only coverage most states require for vehicle insurance is property damage and liability coverage. However, comprehensive and collision coverage can be purchased as well. The implications of these policies may be financial in nature if you injure someone as a result of your negligence. It is imperative that you carry adequate insurance on your vehicle in case it is damaged physically or materially.
Your state’s minimum liability coverage requirement must be met before you can register or drive your vehicle legally. Especially if you have a leased or financed car, you will need comprehensive, collision, and gap insurance. Banks and dealers usually require greater protection for their capital to be protected.
It is possible to opt out of liability insurance in New Hampshire if you can prove that you can pay for potential damages. Even with car insurance, the risk of damage remains, so it’s a good idea to invest in it.